6 Pet Medication Storage Tips to Avoid Danger
The pet medication Albuquerque specialists at Petroglyph Animal Hospital recommend that pet owners keep their pets healthy at home with these six medication storage tips. Tip #1: Never keep pet and human medications together. The first rule of pet medication is to store it away from human medication so that no one accidentally ingests it. Always check the label before giving medicine to a human or animal. Tip #2: Understand that some medications are engineered with flavoring. This is to help the animal ingest it, however, the smell or taste can make it tempting for them to find. You’ll want to make sure it’s away from where your animal may be able to find it. Tip #3: Keep the medication stored away from children too. Not only could children ingest the medication if they find it, but they could also give it to your pet. Make sure the medicines are out of reach of everyone except responsible adults. Tip #4: Be prepared in case an accident occurs. Accidents hap...